WARDOGS INCORPORATED is one of the largest and most professional mercenary corporations operating in the Kantillon subsector. If you need a bodyguard, an assassination team, or an armored cavalry regiment complete with air support, Wardogs Inc. can provide it for you... for a very steep price.
Tommy Falkland is proud to be a Wardog. And he's delighted when WDI's executives sign a massive contract to arrange for a little regime change on a no-account low-tech planet that looks like a highly profitable cakewalk. But when the transportation company unexpectedly fails to deliver their armor and artillery dirtside, Tommy and his fellow Wardogs find themselves caught in the middle of the killing zone.
And there they learn that bullets will kill a man dead just as quickly as a plasma bolt.
By G.D. Stark
Paperback edition: https://www.amazon.com/Wardogs-Inc-Battlesuit-Bastards-Incorporated/dp/9527065089
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