The Ark hosts its first-ever marathon stream with guests aboard! Join us for a 6-hour odyssey on the art of storytelling, starring comic book legend Chuck Dixon (creator of Bane), physics wizard and author Hans G. Schantz (recently featured on Fox News for his Kickstarter controversy), BasedCon creator and based fiction author Rob Kroese, and the tricky card magic of the notoriously Hopeful Catholic, Patrick Coffin. Pour a drink and enjoy the party!
Our guests:
The Legend Chuck Dixon: https://www.arkhaven/com; Twitter: @Dixonverse
Rob Kroese: https://basedcon.com; Twitter:@robkroese
The Aetherczar Hans G. Schantz: https://aetherczar.com; https://t.me/aetherstream; Twitter:@AetherCzar
Patrick Coffin: https://hopeisfuel.com; https://coffinnation.com; Twitter:@CoffinMedia